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Added: 0a1,6

f*cking spammers

dd 20050317: I had to lock the site due to spammers overwriting the pages. You can still add content, but will now
have to log-in with administrator password 'editor'. Go to preferences, and set whatever you like as long as you type in this word in the administrator password field.

Removed: 43,47d48

f*cking spammers

dd 20050227: I had to lock this and a few other pages due to spammers overwriting the page. So much for wiki's. Sorry

f*cking spammers

dd 20050317: I had to lock the site due to spammers overwriting the pages. You can still add content, but will now have to log-in with administrator password 'editor'. Go to preferences, and set whatever you like as long as you type in this word in the administrator password field.

Give us feedback!

What do you think of FFPF. Share your experiences, horror-stories and ideas for the future in our FeedBack section!


Stuff that comes to mind regarding FFPF is written in TODO and Wild Ideas. Concerns both what must be done and what might be done. Post your ideas, comments and critical remarks here.

FFPF Documentation

In FFPF Packet Languages we discuss anything related specifically to the packet processing languages FPL1, 2 and 3.

Didn't find what you're looking for? There is much more documentation available on the main website and in our publications. Or you can ask a question in the Q and A section.

Networking articles

Network Processing Bottlenecks is an article on the problems related to commodity hardware usage in networking. We briefly outline the bottlenecks and look into network processors as a possible solution.

The IXP1200 network processor

During development of FFPF on IXPs (NIC-FIX) we had to find out a lot about this specific type of network processors. IXP 1200 notes is a collection of scribbles and email discussions on the intricacies of using IXP1200 network processors.

We also discuss how to go about getting IXP1200 support into linux 2.6 kernels. Note that we've never succesfully implemented this ourselves. After a brief inquiry into the issue we decided to to drop it.

A rather obscure document is IXP12EB jumpers, which displays the factory setting jumper positions of the IXP12EB IXP evaluation board. The only use for it is if someone's muddled with the jumpers and you don't know how to fix it (it was me, kaiming :)

I've also read quite a few documents about the IXP1200 processor. Most of these came with the various SDKs, but some good resources are available online. The most useful IXP1200 Links to other ixp1200 resources on the net have been put online. Please feel free to add your own.

General Wiki Information

Welcome to the FFPF Wikiwiki site. What's a wiki? Well, the best answer is at WikiPedia:wiki, from which we copy-pasted the following definition:

A Wiki or wiki is a website that allows a user to add content, as on an Internet forum, but also allows that content to be edited by anybody.

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Last edited March 17, 2005 4:10 pm by swpc537.cs.vu.nl (diff)